2 min read

A Letter From The Editor

A Letter From The Editor
Photo by Kaitlyn Baker / Unsplash

Although I am the owner of this publication and most of the content is mine, I am being ably supported by a small dedicated team of two people consisting of Dr Mehemet Yildiz owner of Illumination Publications, who is not only an excellent writer and editor in his own right, but also somebody who is very highly qualified in various fields, such as neuroscience, and Tom Walker, personal book reviewer. both of these gentlemen have a lifetime of invaluable experience What's more, both gentlemen perfectly complement my lighthearted cynicism and humorous irreverence, though I can also be learned, joyful and even inspirational when the mood takes me.

To vary what is on offer, I will also be publishing some writings by invited guests such as Michael Broadly, DHSc, and Aiden (Illumination Gaming) from Medium. I hope that what we can all jointly create, produce and publish finds an appreciative audience of subscribers who we will all aim to inform, educate and entertain in equal measure. What's more, we hope that the audience feels able to interact with us via various means including a comments section, a new Facebook page called The Opus Connection, and a dedicated email (theopusconnection@gmail.com) which subscribers are free to use to contact us. As we all know, Communication is a two-way process and can only be a good thing if it results in positive outcomes.

In terms of content, we will at all times attempt to be both diverse and inclusive. What I bring to the table is eclecticism, whilst my colleagues tend to be rather more specialised. Having said that, I know for a fact that my colleagues are as equally capable of being eclectic as I am at being specialised. Above all, our aim to to write and publish stories which truly reflect the life experience and interests of our subscribers. We are simply a normal group of guys trying to get by as best we can, just like everybody else.

We share our lives for the betterment of our audience and will always try to highlight useful takeaways. If what we write is something which our readers can use to improve their own mental, physical and personal well-being, that would be the icing on the cake. Ultimately, we are here to serve our readers, not the other way around.

If you like what you read please feel free to tell us. More importantly, please tell your family and friends. This site has not been set up and will not be run by people with money. On the contrary, three of us are senior citizens and no longer in any type of full-time employment. It is a site that is being funded by me personally with what little I can afford from my modest state pension (just don't tell my lovely long-suffering wife). Our biggest resource asset is our goodwill and I feel grateful that my colleagues have agreed to assist me voluntarily.

As you can see, the subscription here is very modest indeed at just $5 a month. No other charges will be applied. I cannot in all heart think of a better deal.

Thank you for your kind attention and interest and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Liam Ireland.